Can I install an air conditioning unit in my apartment?

Wondering if you can install an air conditioning unit in your apartment? Here is what you need to know.

According to Massachusetts State Sanitary Code Chapter II, a landlord must provide a tenant with heat, hot water, and electricity. A building owner is not legally obliged to provide air conditioning in the same way landlords are mandated to provide heat and hot and cold water under the code.

If you would like to install an air conditioning unit, you should first read through your lease to see if A/C units are allowed. 

Whether or not A/C units are allowed, your best next step is to speak to your landlord. Let them know you are suffering in the heat and that you would like to install a unit. 

Be ready to discuss some things your landlord might be concerned about….

  • The window frame could be damaged by the weight of the A/C unit.
  • Any water leakage from the A/C unit could cause damage to the window.
  • The electrical wiring of the apartment might not be sufficient to support the unit and could cause a fire.

It’s always better to try to come to a compromise solution with your landlord. If you are not up front with your landlord about installing an A/C unit, there is the risk that they won’t renew your lease and/or charge you for any damage found where you installed an A/C unit. 

If you want to learn more about tenant rights, visit the Mass Gov website.

Log into the MIT Off Campus Housing website to find legal resources.

You can also schedule a free 30-minute legal consult with MIT GAIN (for grad students and their family members) or MIT MyLife Services (for postdocs, staff, faculty, and their family members).