Year: 2014

  • Jennifer’s Notes – November 2014

    “Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.”  David Henry Thoreau, WaldenI’ve been obsessed with maps recently. Whenever I go on Pinterest, I find myself drawn to images of old maps and crafts that repurpose maps into coasters, storage boxes, and other decorations. I suspect that some of you are spending a lot…

  • Orientation events 2014 – Welcome to MIT!

    MIT spouses&partners Learning Fair Photos by Niki Thompson The Learning Fair is a mainstay in MIT s&p Orientation events, to help introduce newcomers to the wider community in Cambridge and Boston by connecting participants with different organizations that offer their courses both at MIT and in the local community. Whether it is to find free…

  • Talent Development Consultant Jiang Xue shares her experiences

    by Jiang Xue I grew up in China, and have lived in 5 countries during the past 17 years: Singapore, Canada, France, Italy, and the USA. Transitions can be challenging emotionally and physically, but they provided me with so many opportunities to develop my potential beyond my own imagination. I am passionate in helping other…

  • Fall Alumni Updates

    Update from Gisella Landi (at MIT January 2004–)  We arrived in Boston on January 2004 and we are still living in town. These have been 10 years full of experiences and learning. And snow. And Sun. Our two daughters were born here, my eldest is a second grader and the youngest is in her first…

  • Making Your Mind an Ally

    Notes from a talk by Lauren Mayhew at MIT spouses&partners Career Connect Spring 2014. We all have thought habits. Some of our habits of thinking are healthy and helpful, and some are disempowering. We can’t control the events outside of us, but we can change how we think about and respond to them. This can help us…

  • It’s tough out there…you’re not alone…it’s not your fault

    by Jennifer Recklet Tassi, photo by Chris Downer I recently attended a conference at MIT about the crisis of long-term unemployment. The lineup of speakers was impressive – people from government, research, policy makers, unemployed people, and the agencies that support them in creative and resourceful ways. I learned a lot about the extent of the crisis…

  • Notes from Jennifer

    I can’t believe we’re finishing up another year of MIT spouses&partners programs. We’ve had a great semester, including our International Dumpling Competition, Kids Clothing Exchange, and another photography exhibit by an MIT spouses&partners member. We trained a new group of job seekers through our Career Connect series, and we supported numerous interest groups and classes…

  • MIT spouses&partners 2013 Annual Report

    We’re excited to share the 2013 successes of MIT spouses&partners with you in our first annual report.  You’ll find stories about our members and information about how we are managing and growing our resources. We talk about our mission, vision, and values, and how our programming makes these ideas tangible for MIT community members every…

  • A community self-portrait

    Interview with Christelle Perrin on her photography exhibition on the international spouses and partners of MIT faculty and students. Can you tell us a bit about yourself? I am from France and I arrived in Boston ten months ago. In Paris, I was working as a marketing manager in the perfume industry. When I arrived…

  • International Dumpling Competition

    By Marie Giudicelli and Konstadina Ntountoumi As a very practical Japanese proverb goes, “Cherry blossoms are beautiful but dumplings are better!” In this spirit, MIT spouses&partners joined forces with the MIT Post-doctoral Association (PDA) to organize a dumpling making contest, which took place on campus on February 21st, gathering 13 aspiring dumpling-making contestants, 3 judges,…