Year: 2013
Notes from Jennifer
What an exciting fall semester we’ve had so far! Once again we welcomed families from around the world to MIT. Our Orientation Committee did a great job, creating new events like the Stroller Tour and the Peer Mentoring Panel to help newcomers get connected to MIT and each other. One of the greatest joys about working with…
Orientation – welcome to MIT!
By Yuval Dryer Meet the volunteers! MIT spouses&partners had over 60 volunteers in 2012/13, each contributing the best of his/her abilities, and all coming together to make events such as the Learning Fair as enjoyable and useful as possible to others. Left to right: Angela Mazzonetto, Bronwen Heuer, Yuval Dryer, Mansi Jindal, Adrielle Stapleton, Jussara de Marchi, Annemirl…
Alumni Updates
Find updates and photos from members of our group. We’d love to hear from you too! Keep in touch. Update from Mihir Sarkar & Sharmila Ganguly (at MIT 2005-2012) We were at MIT from 2005 to 2012. Mihir was a grad student at the Media Lab; Sharmila translated a book on Dadaism for MIT Press during…
Five Ways to Use LinkedIn for MIT S&P Members and Alumni
By Ling-chih Kao Did you know that MIT spouses&partners has a LinkedIn page? LinkedIn has become a powerful professional network with over 200 million registered users. You can find many of our members and alumni there. Sunita Arora, a current MIT spouse and also a co-founder of the popular Career Connect series, shared her LinkedIn experience. “I…
How to give to MIT spouses&partners
Your support helps us create a welcoming social and professional network for newcomers, internationals and parents. We use your gifts to spouses and partners to fund outreach to newcomers, childcare that allows parents to more easily access our services, professional development workshops, and social and professional networking opportunities. More details about our programs and services…
Alumni Updates
Find updates and photos from members of our group. We’d love to hear from you too! Keep in touch. Above: A family-friendly happy hour was held on April 17 in Stata for MIT current spouses, couples, and Boston area alumni members of MIT spouses&partners. Pictured above: (Front Row, left to right) Carly Inkpen, Jennifer Recklet Tassi, Mansi…
Notes from Jennifer
I can’t believe we’re nearing the end of another year. We’ve had some great times together this year. Memorable moments for me include a peek into Nora Vrublevska’s night photography at our Wednesday meeting, our wonderful 40th anniversary party, growing our Career Connect series, and exchanging cookies at the holidays. We had a lot of fun, but…
Spotlight: Elsa Tian
From the Editors: Many of you know Elsa from her participation in the MIT S&P cooking group. You may not know that she has opened her home and heart to families at MIT countless times in more than four decades living and working in the community. We asked her to share her story in her own words: More than four…